Exciting things (first blog post in ages i know)

by shelbyisrad

I’m skipping my apologies for being absent from the blogging world. Life is crazy and I miss writing but i think i probably needed the break.

I’m not going to talk about how i totally did not finish some of my goals for January. I’m just gonna release all that and move on. February is coming and a new month is a new start, heck every day is a new start and if you want it to be every moment of every day is an opportunity to blow away the negative and start again fresh. I like that outlook…. i like it a lot.

My life has been a whirl wind lately, in a crazy but super good way. So much is going on God is moving in HUGE ways, we launched our student ministry at lifepoint it was like a drug watching the excitement surrounding it build and a crazy good high** watching everything fall into place and seeing the students give it their all. SEVEN people began relationships with Jesus our first night…. that feeling is so addicting watching life change happen. My Reaggy roo was baptized on Sunday not even 6 years old and she already gets it, she gets Jesus in a way many of us still don’t. Not to mention my younger sister who i haven’t seen in almost eleven years WAS SAVED ON SUNDAY! I have been praying for her since 2005 when i experience that life change and she is getting baptized this coming Sunday in Florida, its so comforting to know even if I never do see her again (which i hope doesn’t happen) I will see her in heaven. She and I will be worshipping Jesus together some day no matter what!

School is a whirlwind of deadlines and assignments its kinda drowning me a little bit but i am treading water and getting it all done. I’m trying to figure out what my summer will look like and deciding what to do. I’ve been praying for clarity (and would love your prayers too if you’re the praying type)

Other random things:

  • This weekend I was told by a bunch of people I look like Tina Fey… this made my day
  • My ipod auto-corrects shelby to ‘shelbyisrad’ i like it.
  • I’m in love with yoga
  • I just realized this May means i’ve been a christian for 7 years… kinda blows my mind.
  • I heart instagram
  • I am waiting for some stationary to come in the mail and I cannot wait to write pretty letters on it!
  • This blog post, this one,  this one, and this one are all awesome things i read this morning.

And heres a random collage of my life lately from instagram….


** i don’t actually know what its like to be high or addicted to a drug but the excitement and buzz i felt couldn’t be explained any other way.