Hey There, August.

by shelbyisrad

So I was not excited for August to be here, I’d been standing over here throwing annoyed looks at the calendar and scowling. August means school is coming too soon, and I was in school all summer so I’m not excited about it at all. I’ve been quickly cutting off anyone who talks about the approaching end of summer, and longing for fall. I think they’re all crazy! If i had my way it’d be summer all year long except the week of Christmas.

I have a love affair with summer, the long days, late nights, scorching sun. I love it all, and with the stress of summer classes I didn’t get to have as much of a summer as I had wanted to. Last summer I read 19 books (I had a full time job, but an hour boat ride of a commute at least) this summer I’ve finished 3 and started 4 others that i’m in the middle of and have stopped to pick up another. Last summer I spent so much time with lots of friends, I was in a relationship which meant if all my friends were busy I was able to spend time with him and his family, I even had an awesome vacation with them. This summer I spent a lot of time alone.

But comparing this summer to last summer isn’t going to make this one any better. Comparing myself to the people whose summers seemed so much more full and adventurous than mine isn’t going to slow this one down. (And neither is plugging my ears and saying “I can’t hear you” when people talk about summer ending, but I will still probably do that one) To make the best of the last few weeks of summer I have to shake off the comparisons, the ‘should’s and ‘could’s and focus on the great things my summer was and live up the last few weeks.

Because this summer I

  • Went to the beach more than I have in the past
  • Bonded with Alyssa a lot more
  • Turned 21
  • Made new friends
  • Played a lot of card games
  • Biked a ton(i even ran once)
  • Aced my classes
  • Fell in love with writing even more
  • Spent a super fun weekend in Raleigh
  • Showed Alyssa my home
  • Got an LED Hoop
  • Learned a lot about myself
  • Got better at being alone
  • Became kind of a night owl
  • Dyed my hair blue
  • Expanded my Art Journal
  • Celebrated big things with two of my best friends (that i’ll be talking a lot more about soon)
  • Made steps to figuring me out and did a lot of soul work
  • Took a TON of pictures
  • Fell in love with new music
  • Became more comfortable with the leadership roles I’m in
  • Was barefoot a lot
  • Hooped on the beach

And August, you will be good too. I do have a lot to look forward to

  • Our apartment being full again
  • Awesome set of classes
  • Art journaling with Heather and her munchkins
  • Becoming better friends with new friends i’ve made
  • It’s still gonna be hot (this is the south y’all) so more beach
  • Picking up Running (maybe)
  • Reading more
  • Best friend’s birthday
  • Happy things coming
  • Lilly is visiting
  • A lot more pictures to be taken
  • Card games to be played
  • And fun to be had.